Hi people, just thought I would drop you some info of what has been happening throughout my USA adventures ,
So I decided to jump on a plane in April to give the USA Amateur seen a go for 2021.
The plan is to compete in the Lorretta Lynn's qualifiers for 250B and School boy 2, and also 450B.
I got my tickets in the South West Regional area's for all classes, but Lorretta's only allows you to race 2 classes at the ranch, so we have chosen 250B and schoolboy 2.

All weekend at Fox Raceway my starts sucked, so I had to always work my way outside the top 10 forward in only 6 lap races. But moving forward I have figured out a few things with bike and starting technique, so I should be sweet for the Ranch.
Next week we head off to Mammoth Lakes for the 2021 Motocross Classic. This event has been running since 1968 so there's a lot of history involved for this event.
I'll be competing in the same classes minus 450B cause the 250 struggles with the power at high altitude and the roost hurts LIKE HELL. Live video feeds at www.mammothmotocross.com
The plan will be training in California up until Lorretta's then head east training along the way at some private tracks.
The weather is heating up in California which is what I like, it feels more like home. Practice tracks during the week have been buzzing with pro practicing it's like a stop watch national with everybody comparing speeds. Its cool to see where you are at speed wise and what different styles and techniques people have.
That's a wrap for now, I'm going to be doing this on a weekly basic leading into Lorretta's so keep and eye out on my social channels as well.
But huge thanks to the following people that support my program and journey.
Monster Energy, Fly Racing, Asterisk Knee Braces, Pro Taper, Hinson, Matrix, Pro Circuit, Serco Motorsports, CRC Industries, Mackellar Group, Moti Mindset, YBI, Throttle Syndicate, Bridgestone, Powerhouse Photography, McLeod Accessories, Mcleod Land Services, Silkolene, Heatwave Sunglasses, Knobby Underwear, AP Designs.
